In my previous blog, I spoke about some of the exciting things I learnt at cosmetex 2014. In this article I am going to talk about ageing of the nose and rejuvenation of the nose.
Medical (non-surgical) rhinoplasty is a procedure that I have been carrying out since 2005. It is a tricky procedure as it requires a good understanding of the anatomy of the nose and the appreciation of what makes a nose beautiful. Over the years, dermal filler technology has improved and this has allowed many new techniques to be developed.
I normally carry out medical rhinoplasty by patients request, usually to correct contour deformity and scarring. However, admittedly it is not an area that I routinely treat in the context of facial ageing.
The nose is affected by the ageing process, and this comes as no surprise. Morphological changes in the contour and shape of the nose result from changes of the underlying bone and cartilage.
Dr Raj Acquilla, an extremely talented and experienced cosmetic doctor from the UK, spoke about the underlying structural and anatomical changes related to facial ageing, and his approach to rejuvenation of the nose, using a combination of neuromodulators (wrinkle reducing injections) and dermal fillers.
The venerable Dr Arthur Swift, in the meantime, demonstrated in life injection sessions how he incorporated nasal rejuvenation, with dermal fillers, into his total facial revolumisation procedures. He showed us how even small amounts of fillers injected strategically into the right places can make a remarkable difference to the overall aesthetic outcome, particularly when proportions and ratios are respected.
This is something that I will endeavor to incorporate into every one of my total facial rejuvenation procedures in order to achieve the best aesthetic outcome for my patients.